Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 4, 2011

Dear Families,
This week the kindergartners worked with the letter Ii.  We read The Icky Bug Book and made a list of things we thought were “icky”.  We wrote in our journals ways we can be trustworthy students at school.  We switched the fall walk to Tuesday because of the weather forecast on Wednesday.  The kindergartners drew a person, and the teachers kept the paper and put it in the students’ portfolios.  Mrs. Turner taught us how to make homemade ice cream! Please notice the colored flashcards that are included with this packet.  The word to is a sight word that the students just need to memorize.  The other words are high frequency words that the boys and girls can sound out.  Practice reading the little booklets and reviewing flashcards often.  That really helps kindergartners learn and remember, making reading easier and more fun.
Next week we will be studying the letter Ss.  Sharing next week is something that starts with the letter Ss in a secret sack.  Please prepare clues for your child to say at school during sharing time.  The clues can be written down if you desire. 
We have noticed that some of the boys and girls are still in need of new crayons.  You may replace them with boxes of 16 or 24 crayons.  Check with your kindergartner to see if the glue stick needs to be replaced also. 
The kindergarten newsletter can now be found on the web!  Go to to see any important information or copies of the newsletters.
Have a nice weekend!                   

Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Turner

Dates to Remember!
November 6 – Daylight Savings Time
November 16 – No School (Professional Development Day)
November 23 – Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break
November 24 and 25 – No School (Thanksgiving Break)
December 14 – 12:50 Dismissal (Professional Development)
December 15 – Elementary Winter Program at 1:30
December 22 – Early Dismissal for Winter Break
January 3 – School Resumes

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