Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 11, 2011

Dear Families,
While studying the letter Ss we learned about spiders and sharks.  The kindergartners pretended that some Super Socks gave them special powers.  In their journals they told the teachers what super powers the Super socks gave them.   The kindergartners learned the following blends this week: sl, st, sn, sp sm, and spl.  The boys and girls have 5 new flashcards.  These high frequency words can be sounded out, but reading is easier if they can remember it quickly without having to sound them out each time. Cut these flashcards apart and practice them OFTEN!
Next week we will be studying the letter Ff.  For sharing please send something that starts with the letter Ff.  
Check with your kindergartner to see if the glue stick needs to be replaced. 
Thanksgiving is coming up!  The students are dismissed at 2:20 on Wednesday, November 23rd.  There will be no school on Thursday, November 24th or Friday, November 25th.
Because of a Professional Development Day on Wednesday, November 16th, the children do not have school.
As the weather starts turning colder we must think about boots, snowpants, hats, mittens, and coats.  Please make sure that your child is prepared for cold, wet weather.  Please put your child’s name in every piece of outerwear brought to school.     
Have a nice weekend!                   
Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Daugherty

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