Friday, October 28, 2011

October 28, 2011

Dear Families,
During this week we worked with the letter Mm.  We sorted and graphed M & M’s.  We read the big book The Mitten and acted it out.  The kindergartners also worked with opposites with The Mitten, practiced retelling the story using the proper sequence, and did some fun math problems using the characters from the story.  Mercer Mayer books were read throughout the week.  The kindergartners practiced some Halloween songs that we sang at the Traer Nursing Home.
Next week we are studying the letter Ii.  Sharing for next week will be free choice.
Next week we will be taking a fall walk on Wednesday afternoon at about 2:30.  Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for this walk.   
A great place to stop while trick-or-treating is the Traer Nursing home.  Boys and girls can receive a lot of goodies and enjoy walking around without coats.  Check out the Traer Star Clipper for the times to visit the nursing home.  (We think that children can trick-or-treat from 6:30 - 7:30 at the nursing home.)
Please write your child’s name on coats, snowpants, boots, hats and mittens.  With over 30 children in this room, winter items can get mixed up and having names on the clothing is extremely helpful.
Kindergartners may now bring a new box of crayons to school.  The new box of crayons may contain 16 or 24 crayons.  A few students need new glue sticks also.
We continued to work on report cards this week.  The report cards go home on Monday, October 31st.   
    The North Tama Redhawk football team continues to win, and they play again on Monday, October 31st.
Keep practicing those flashcards and reading at home!  Every bit of practice at home really helps!
Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Daugherty
November Sharing
October 31 – November 4: Free choice item (Ii week)
November 7 - 11: Something that starts with an Ss in a secret sack with clues.
November 14 - 18: Something that starts with Ff.
November 21 - 23: No Sharing due to the short Thanksgiving week! (Rr week)
November 28 – December 2: Something that starts with the letter Kk

Dates to Remember!!!
October 31 – 2nd Round of football playoffs
November 1 – Fundraising Carnival from 3:30 – 5:30 for those that sold enough items during the fundraiser.
November 4 – Quarter Final Round of football playoffs
November 6 – Daylight Savings Time!  Turn the clocks back 1 hour!
November 11 – Semi-final Round of football playoffs
November 16 – No School (Professional Development)
November 18 – Football State Championship game
November 23 – 2:20 dismissal for Thanksgiving break

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