Friday, December 9, 2011

December 9, 2011

Dear Families,
During Bb we visited Farmers Savings Bank.  Farmers Savings Bank gave each student a notepad, a coloring book, a pencil, and a tootsie roll.  We read Goldilocks and the Three Bears and acted the story out.  The kindergartners continued working on report card evaluations.  At home please practice your child’s address, phone number, birthday, counting to 50, days of the week in order, and sight and high frequency words.
Next week we will be studying the letter Uu. Since there are not many things that start with the letter Uu, your child may bring any Free choice item for sharing. 
School is dismissed at 12:50 on Wednesday, December 14th.  The teachers get to attend many important meetings.
Many families are beginning to think about the elementary Christmas party and the gifts that the kids exchange.  We ask that the boys buy a gift for a boy and the girls buy a gift for a girl.  We will have a “grab bag” type of gift exchange.  The amount that can be spent on the gift is $2.  Boys and girls that want to donate any food or hygiene items to the local food pantry are welcome to bring those items into school, too. Our party has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 21st.
Our kindergarten parents in the past have been very generous when remembering the teachers at Christmas time.  An idea that we learned from Pied Piper is that instead of buying the teacher a gift, families could choose instead to purchase a gift for the room.  We have a few ideas for items that we would like for the classroom:  pencils, markers to be used in our writing center, glue sticks, stickers, baby dolls, doll clothing, a smaller and softer football, dry erase markers, monetary donations for different things in the room, and games or books (see the teachers for ideas).  If you need any ideas, just ask one of us.  Mrs. Turner made a Christmas tree wish list and hung it on the door if you would like to look at it.  Of course, families may handle this matter however they desire.

Also in regards to Christmas, the date for the elementary Christmas program is Thursday, December 15th.  It begins at 1:30 in the gym.  The fifth and sixth grade bands will play first, and the kindergartners will follow them. (There is an admission fee for the program!) Following our songs, families will have a choice of whether to have their kindergartner sit with them for the remainder of the program or watch the rest of it with Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Daugherty.
Because of the program on Thursday, the kindergartners will be getting new library books on Monday (Mrs. Turner’s blue team) and Tuesday (Mrs. Daugherty’s red group).
The kindergartners get to shop in the North Tama Holiday Gift Shop on Thursday, December 15th.  Items in the shop cost between 25¢ to $3 with most of the items costing $1 or less.  It is a family decision on whether your son or daughter participates in this opportunity.  It is a good time to talk about being a good consumer.  (If your child does not find something in the store that he/she wants to buy for gifts, then he/she can put the money back into his/her backpack and take it home.)  Since the items sold in the gift shop are donated to the store, there is no specific list of items available for families to discuss.
The North Tama FCCLA organization (formerly Future Homemakers of America) are hosting a party for all of the North Tama kindergartners on Friday, December 16th right after school in the FCS room (formerly known as the Home Ec room). Information was sent home this week!  If you have not turned in the form yet, DO SO BY MONDAY!  If your child cannot attend, please let us know that so that we aren’t badgering you about a permission slip.
Students will be dismissed one hour early on Thursday, December 22nd for the start of Christmas break.  We return to school on Tuesday, January 3rd.
Stay warm and enjoy the hustle and bustle of the holiday season!
Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Turner

Copies of the newsletter can be found at the following internet address:
or through the North Tama website.

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