Dear Families,
During Rr week we worked really, really hard on reading. We do not have any new flashcards this week. Over break please read the booklets we have already sent home and practice the flashcards. We read the book Red Fox and His Canoe and acted it out. The kindergartners learned about the first Thanksgiving and read many Thanksgiving books. Mrs. Daugherty showed an informational FILMSTRIP about Thanksgiving. (How many of you remember that piece of equipment? Even old technology has a use in kindergarten!)
Next week we will be studying the letter Kk. Please bring an item that starts with Kk for sharing.
Right after Thanksgiving the boys and girls will be writing letters to Santa. They will be dictating their ideas to a teacher to be typed on the computer. We would like them to have 3 or 4 ideas of gifts they would like to receive. These letters will be mailed to Santa, and they may appear in the Traer Star Clipper. Please discuss Christmas ideas with your child so that we can type these letters quickly and easily. At the end of this week’s newsletter there is a form for families to fill out that will help us get these letters done without going too crazy. Families also get to let Santa know how the boys and girls have been good/helpful at home.
Speaking of Christmas, many families are beginning to think about the elementary Christmas party and the gifts that the kids exchange. We ask that the boys buy a gift for a boy and the girls buy a gift for a girl. We will have a “grab bag” type of gift exchange. The amount that can be spent on the gift is $2. Boys and girls that want to donate any food or hygiene items to the local food pantry are welcome to bring those items into school, too.
Our kindergarten parents in the past have been very generous when remembering the teachers at Christmas time. An idea that we learned from Pied Piper is that instead of buying the teacher a gift, families could choose instead to purchase a gift for the room. We have a few ideas for items that we would like for the classroom: pencils, pretend food, markers to be used in our writing center, glue sticks, stickers, baby dolls, doll clothing, a smaller and softer football, dry erase markers, monetary donations for different things in the room, and games or books (see the teachers for ideas). If you need any ideas, just ask one of us. Mrs. Turner made a Christmas tree wish list and hung it on the door if you would like to look at it. Of course, families may handle this matter however they desire.
Also in regards to Christmas, the date for the elementary Christmas program is Thursday, December 15th. It usually begins at 1:30 in the gym. The fifth and sixth grade bands will play first, and the kindergartners will follow them. Following our songs, families will have a choice of whether to have their kindergartner sit with them for the remainder of the program or watch the rest of it with Mrs. Turner and Mrs Daugherty. Watch for more information about the program closer to December 15th.
Have a fantastic Thanksgiving Day vacation!
Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Turner
Copies of the newsletter can be found at the following internet address:
or through the North Tama website.
_____________________________’s Christmas List:
Please tell Santa how your child has been helpful or good at home in the space below.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
November 18, 2011
Dear Families,
During Ff week we learned about fish and reviewed fall. Fall booklets were read in class, colored, and brought home. There are 2 pages of homework at the back of those booklets. If your child completes those pages, then a sticker can be earned. The kindergartners learned about frogs and how they grow from eggs to adult frogs.
Next week we will be studying the letter Rr. Since next week is so short, we will NOT be having sharing.
On Monday, November 21st Mrs. Turner’s blue team will be getting new books at media time. On Tuesday, November 22nd Mrs. Daugherty’s red team will be getting new books. This is a change from our normal schedule so please be prepared!
Right after Thanksgiving the boys and girls will be writing letters to Santa. They will be dictating their ideas to a teacher to be typed on the computer. We would like them to have 3 or 4 ideas of gifts they would like to receive. These letters will be mailed to Santa, and they may appear in the Traer Star Clipper. Please discuss Christmas ideas with your child so that we can type these letters quickly and easily. In next week’s newsletter there will be a form for families to fill out that will help us get these letters done without going too crazy. Families also get to let Santa know how the boys and girls have been good/helpful at home.
Speaking of Christmas, many families are beginning to think about the elementary Christmas party and the gifts that the kids exchange. In the past we ask that the boys buy a gift for a boy and the girls buy a gift for a girl. We will have a “grab bag” type of gift exchange. The amount that can be spent on the gift is $2. Boys and girls that want to donate any food or hygiene items to the local food pantry are welcome to bring those items into school, too.
Our kindergarten parents in the past have been very generous when remembering the teachers at Christmas time. An idea that we learned from Pied Piper is that instead of buying the teacher a gift, families could choose instead to purchase a gift for the room. We have a few ideas for items that we would like for the classroom: pencils, pretend food, markers to be used in our writing center, glue sticks, stickers, baby dolls, doll clothing, a smaller and softer football, dry erase markers, monetary donations for different things in the room, and games or books (see the teachers for ideas). If you need any ideas, just ask one of us. Of course, families may handle this matter however they desire.
Also in regards to Christmas, the date for the elementary Christmas program is Thursday, December 15th. It usually begins at 1:30 in the gym. The fifth and sixth grade bands will play first, and the kindergartners will follow them. Following our songs, families will have a choice of whether to have their kindergartner sit with them for the remainder of the program or watch the rest of it with Mrs. Turner and Mrs Daugherty. Watch for more information about the program closer to December 15th.
Please remember that school will be dismissed early on Wednesday, November 23rd. The students will be dismissed at 2:20. There will be no school on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th.
We know that the cold and flu season is upon us. Please remember that if your doctor prescribes a medication that has to be taken at school, THE DOCTOR and THE PARENT (yes both) need to write the directions down for the nurse. (This means 2 notes are required.) The prescription medication MUST be in the original container from the pharmacy. Families might want to ask for 2 containers when filling the prescription; one for school and one for home. The nurse cannot administer any medication without both notes. Cough syrup needs to have a doctor’s order to be given in school. (If your child is constantly coughing, he/she should really stay home.) DO NOT SEND COUGH DROPS TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR STUDENT! Parents are welcome to come to school and give medicines to their own children. Please contact the school nurse or us if you have any questions.
Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Daugherty
Copies of the newsletter can be found at the following internet address:
or through the North Tama website.
During Ff week we learned about fish and reviewed fall. Fall booklets were read in class, colored, and brought home. There are 2 pages of homework at the back of those booklets. If your child completes those pages, then a sticker can be earned. The kindergartners learned about frogs and how they grow from eggs to adult frogs.
Next week we will be studying the letter Rr. Since next week is so short, we will NOT be having sharing.
On Monday, November 21st Mrs. Turner’s blue team will be getting new books at media time. On Tuesday, November 22nd Mrs. Daugherty’s red team will be getting new books. This is a change from our normal schedule so please be prepared!
Right after Thanksgiving the boys and girls will be writing letters to Santa. They will be dictating their ideas to a teacher to be typed on the computer. We would like them to have 3 or 4 ideas of gifts they would like to receive. These letters will be mailed to Santa, and they may appear in the Traer Star Clipper. Please discuss Christmas ideas with your child so that we can type these letters quickly and easily. In next week’s newsletter there will be a form for families to fill out that will help us get these letters done without going too crazy. Families also get to let Santa know how the boys and girls have been good/helpful at home.
Speaking of Christmas, many families are beginning to think about the elementary Christmas party and the gifts that the kids exchange. In the past we ask that the boys buy a gift for a boy and the girls buy a gift for a girl. We will have a “grab bag” type of gift exchange. The amount that can be spent on the gift is $2. Boys and girls that want to donate any food or hygiene items to the local food pantry are welcome to bring those items into school, too.
Our kindergarten parents in the past have been very generous when remembering the teachers at Christmas time. An idea that we learned from Pied Piper is that instead of buying the teacher a gift, families could choose instead to purchase a gift for the room. We have a few ideas for items that we would like for the classroom: pencils, pretend food, markers to be used in our writing center, glue sticks, stickers, baby dolls, doll clothing, a smaller and softer football, dry erase markers, monetary donations for different things in the room, and games or books (see the teachers for ideas). If you need any ideas, just ask one of us. Of course, families may handle this matter however they desire.
Also in regards to Christmas, the date for the elementary Christmas program is Thursday, December 15th. It usually begins at 1:30 in the gym. The fifth and sixth grade bands will play first, and the kindergartners will follow them. Following our songs, families will have a choice of whether to have their kindergartner sit with them for the remainder of the program or watch the rest of it with Mrs. Turner and Mrs Daugherty. Watch for more information about the program closer to December 15th.
Please remember that school will be dismissed early on Wednesday, November 23rd. The students will be dismissed at 2:20. There will be no school on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th.
We know that the cold and flu season is upon us. Please remember that if your doctor prescribes a medication that has to be taken at school, THE DOCTOR and THE PARENT (yes both) need to write the directions down for the nurse. (This means 2 notes are required.) The prescription medication MUST be in the original container from the pharmacy. Families might want to ask for 2 containers when filling the prescription; one for school and one for home. The nurse cannot administer any medication without both notes. Cough syrup needs to have a doctor’s order to be given in school. (If your child is constantly coughing, he/she should really stay home.) DO NOT SEND COUGH DROPS TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR STUDENT! Parents are welcome to come to school and give medicines to their own children. Please contact the school nurse or us if you have any questions.
Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Daugherty
Copies of the newsletter can be found at the following internet address:
or through the North Tama website.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
November 11, 2011
Dear Families,
While studying the letter Ss we learned about spiders and sharks. The kindergartners pretended that some Super Socks gave them special powers. In their journals they told the teachers what super powers the Super socks gave them. The kindergartners learned the following blends this week: sl, st, sn, sp sm, and spl. The boys and girls have 5 new flashcards. These high frequency words can be sounded out, but reading is easier if they can remember it quickly without having to sound them out each time. Cut these flashcards apart and practice them OFTEN!
Next week we will be studying the letter Ff. For sharing please send something that starts with the letter Ff.
Check with your kindergartner to see if the glue stick needs to be replaced.
Thanksgiving is coming up! The students are dismissed at 2:20 on Wednesday, November 23rd. There will be no school on Thursday, November 24th or Friday, November 25th.
Because of a Professional Development Day on Wednesday, November 16th, the children do not have school.
As the weather starts turning colder we must think about boots, snowpants, hats, mittens, and coats. Please make sure that your child is prepared for cold, wet weather. Please put your child’s name in every piece of outerwear brought to school.
Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Daugherty
While studying the letter Ss we learned about spiders and sharks. The kindergartners pretended that some Super Socks gave them special powers. In their journals they told the teachers what super powers the Super socks gave them. The kindergartners learned the following blends this week: sl, st, sn, sp sm, and spl. The boys and girls have 5 new flashcards. These high frequency words can be sounded out, but reading is easier if they can remember it quickly without having to sound them out each time. Cut these flashcards apart and practice them OFTEN!
Next week we will be studying the letter Ff. For sharing please send something that starts with the letter Ff.
Check with your kindergartner to see if the glue stick needs to be replaced.
Thanksgiving is coming up! The students are dismissed at 2:20 on Wednesday, November 23rd. There will be no school on Thursday, November 24th or Friday, November 25th.
Because of a Professional Development Day on Wednesday, November 16th, the children do not have school.
As the weather starts turning colder we must think about boots, snowpants, hats, mittens, and coats. Please make sure that your child is prepared for cold, wet weather. Please put your child’s name in every piece of outerwear brought to school.
Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Daugherty
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
November 4, 2011
Dear Families,
This week the kindergartners worked with the letter Ii. We read The Icky Bug Book and made a list of things we thought were “icky”. We wrote in our journals ways we can be trustworthy students at school. We switched the fall walk to Tuesday because of the weather forecast on Wednesday. The kindergartners drew a person, and the teachers kept the paper and put it in the students’ portfolios. Mrs. Turner taught us how to make homemade ice cream! Please notice the colored flashcards that are included with this packet. The word to is a sight word that the students just need to memorize. The other words are high frequency words that the boys and girls can sound out. Practice reading the little booklets and reviewing flashcards often. That really helps kindergartners learn and remember, making reading easier and more fun.
Next week we will be studying the letter Ss. Sharing next week is something that starts with the letter Ss in a secret sack. Please prepare clues for your child to say at school during sharing time. The clues can be written down if you desire.
We have noticed that some of the boys and girls are still in need of new crayons. You may replace them with boxes of 16 or 24 crayons. Check with your kindergartner to see if the glue stick needs to be replaced also.
The kindergarten newsletter can now be found on the web! Go to to see any important information or copies of the newsletters.
Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Turner
Dates to Remember!
November 6 – Daylight Savings Time
November 16 – No School (Professional Development Day)
November 23 – Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break
November 24 and 25 – No School (Thanksgiving Break)
December 14 – 12:50 Dismissal (Professional Development)
December 15 – Elementary Winter Program at 1:30
December 22 – Early Dismissal for Winter Break
January 3 – School Resumes
This week the kindergartners worked with the letter Ii. We read The Icky Bug Book and made a list of things we thought were “icky”. We wrote in our journals ways we can be trustworthy students at school. We switched the fall walk to Tuesday because of the weather forecast on Wednesday. The kindergartners drew a person, and the teachers kept the paper and put it in the students’ portfolios. Mrs. Turner taught us how to make homemade ice cream! Please notice the colored flashcards that are included with this packet. The word to is a sight word that the students just need to memorize. The other words are high frequency words that the boys and girls can sound out. Practice reading the little booklets and reviewing flashcards often. That really helps kindergartners learn and remember, making reading easier and more fun.
Next week we will be studying the letter Ss. Sharing next week is something that starts with the letter Ss in a secret sack. Please prepare clues for your child to say at school during sharing time. The clues can be written down if you desire.
We have noticed that some of the boys and girls are still in need of new crayons. You may replace them with boxes of 16 or 24 crayons. Check with your kindergartner to see if the glue stick needs to be replaced also.
The kindergarten newsletter can now be found on the web! Go to to see any important information or copies of the newsletters.
Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Turner
Dates to Remember!
November 6 – Daylight Savings Time
November 16 – No School (Professional Development Day)
November 23 – Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break
November 24 and 25 – No School (Thanksgiving Break)
December 14 – 12:50 Dismissal (Professional Development)
December 15 – Elementary Winter Program at 1:30
December 22 – Early Dismissal for Winter Break
January 3 – School Resumes
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