1. Read to Self
2. Read to Someone
3. Listen to Reading
4. Work on Words
5. Work on Writing
This section is our Work on Writing. The options the students get to choose from for this center is writing a letter to someone with letter templates, writing on blank lined paper and plain typing paper about the bulletin board theme (changes weekly), or something that they are interested in. We have themed paper that matches the theme of the week, writing slips that start to prompt the students to write in their journals, pictures of 60 options of prompts to write about, and the last thing we have is sentence tracing sheets. Every week, there are three options of sentences that match the theme of the week. The students trace the sentence, write it themselves, and then draw a picture of what the sentence is about on the back.
This is our themed bulletin board that will help prompt the students to write about what we are learning that week.
This section is for Work on Words. On top the numbered containers hold the unfinished work and their journals. The options for this center are for a wide variety of learning abilities. Starting from the top left and going across there are flash cards for alphabet and sight words. The next section is a list of our sight words and high frequency words that we must learn by the end of the year. (They use these word lists for everything in this center). This also contains game boards using the sight words/high frequency words. The next section over is sight word graphs we made. The second row includes wooden letters and letter tiles to spell any word, and also letter stamps and paper. The next section includes letter magnets and cookie sheets to spell words. The third row (bottom row) includes alphabet puzzles, the next section has dry erase boards and chalk boards to write down the words on the word list or flash cards. The last section has wiki sticks and alphabet cards. Our students really enjoy the freedom to choose their activity and the varieties really help us with all the different learning abilities in the class.
This is our paper for sight word graphs. These words change every week too!
This is our listening center. We have this container that has individual books with CD's or tape players. They get to choose. In the listening center we also have a large CD/Tape player that has 6 books in a set for a group of students to listen to. We also use our 3 computers to use tumble books from our local library.
For our Read to Self and Read to Someone centers we use our chair pockets (great purchase!). Every Friday we get three new Daily 5 books and keep them in our chair pockets. It is a great way to stay organized as a class.
This is our checking for understanding cue that helps our students Read to Someone.
These are our Daily 5 cards. Every 10 minutes we ring a bell and the students move their paper clip down to the next center. This is manageable for our young students.
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