Friday, October 28, 2011

October 28, 2011

Dear Families,
During this week we worked with the letter Mm.  We sorted and graphed M & M’s.  We read the big book The Mitten and acted it out.  The kindergartners also worked with opposites with The Mitten, practiced retelling the story using the proper sequence, and did some fun math problems using the characters from the story.  Mercer Mayer books were read throughout the week.  The kindergartners practiced some Halloween songs that we sang at the Traer Nursing Home.
Next week we are studying the letter Ii.  Sharing for next week will be free choice.
Next week we will be taking a fall walk on Wednesday afternoon at about 2:30.  Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for this walk.   
A great place to stop while trick-or-treating is the Traer Nursing home.  Boys and girls can receive a lot of goodies and enjoy walking around without coats.  Check out the Traer Star Clipper for the times to visit the nursing home.  (We think that children can trick-or-treat from 6:30 - 7:30 at the nursing home.)
Please write your child’s name on coats, snowpants, boots, hats and mittens.  With over 30 children in this room, winter items can get mixed up and having names on the clothing is extremely helpful.
Kindergartners may now bring a new box of crayons to school.  The new box of crayons may contain 16 or 24 crayons.  A few students need new glue sticks also.
We continued to work on report cards this week.  The report cards go home on Monday, October 31st.   
    The North Tama Redhawk football team continues to win, and they play again on Monday, October 31st.
Keep practicing those flashcards and reading at home!  Every bit of practice at home really helps!
Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Daugherty
November Sharing
October 31 – November 4: Free choice item (Ii week)
November 7 - 11: Something that starts with an Ss in a secret sack with clues.
November 14 - 18: Something that starts with Ff.
November 21 - 23: No Sharing due to the short Thanksgiving week! (Rr week)
November 28 – December 2: Something that starts with the letter Kk

Dates to Remember!!!
October 31 – 2nd Round of football playoffs
November 1 – Fundraising Carnival from 3:30 – 5:30 for those that sold enough items during the fundraiser.
November 4 – Quarter Final Round of football playoffs
November 6 – Daylight Savings Time!  Turn the clocks back 1 hour!
November 11 – Semi-final Round of football playoffs
November 16 – No School (Professional Development)
November 18 – Football State Championship game
November 23 – 2:20 dismissal for Thanksgiving break

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 21, 2011

Dear Families,
During Nn week we practiced our numbers and made Number Booklets.  Phone numbers were practiced.  (Boys and girls will need to know their phone numbers for the second report card.)  Some North Tama football players came in and talked about football.  They brought in some of their cool equipment for the kindergartners to see and touch.  We worked really hard on evaluations for the first quarter report card.  Report cards may go home on October 31st.
Attached to the newsletter are 3 new flashcards!  Cut them apart and add them to last week’s flashcards.  Reviewing the flashcards with the kindergartners is very beneficial!  The more practice, the better readers they become!
Next week we will be studying the letter Mm.  Kindergartners need to bring something that begins with the letter Mm for sharing.    
Please remember that our Halloween party is on Friday, October 28th.  The kindergartners may BRING their costumes to school that day.  After the big recess we get dressed up and then travel to the nursing home by bus.  When we return we will do some Halloween activities in the room, parade through the classrooms, and enjoy Halloween snacks.
The weather is getting cooler outside, and we try to go outside at LEAST 1 time a day for recess if it is not raining.  Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather because he/she will go outside whether or not they have the necessary clothing.   Remember that if there is measurable snow on the ground, the boys and girls need boots.
We are now warning our families that the school is keeping our thermostats at 68 degrees this winter.  Some students may find this temperature a little chilly.  We recommend that you send a sweatshirt or sweater to school with your child everyday.  They can keep it in their backpacks or cubbies and wear it when they feel cold. 
Please make sure that your child has an extra set of clothing in their school bag.  Kindergartners have bathroom accidents, lunch tray spills, illnesses that soil clothing, and dirty recess catastrophes every now and then, and they feel more comfortable in their own clothing, especially underwear.  We do have some extra clothing here, but it is a lot easier to get extra clothing out of school bags than it is to dig out clothing they will wear out of our supply.
Some children are beginning to arrive to school before 8:10.  If the children are not eating breakfast, then they need to wait on the playground for the 8:10 bell unless your family has talked to the teachers.  Teachers are not always in the classrooms because we are making final arrangements for the day, and we do not like to leave the kindergartners unsupervised.  We realize that clocks at home are set at different times, and that occasionally children get here early.  If you bring your kindergartner and you discover that you are a couple of minutes early, you can wait in our little entryway for the 8:10 bell.  
Today was our last day with our student teacher, Ms. Michelle Davis.  The kindergartners LOVED working with her and will miss her very much.  Ms. Davis will be student teaching in fourth grade at South Tama starting next Monday. 
We hope you have an absolutely great weekend!
Mrs. Daugherty, Ms. Davis, and Mrs. Turner

*Important Dates to Remember*
Sunday, November 6: Daylight Savings Time – Fall back one hour
Wednesday, November 16: No school – Professional Development
Wednesday, November 23: Early Out – 2:20 PM
Thursday, November 24: No School – Holiday
Friday, November 25: No School - Holiday

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 14, 2011

Dear Families,
What an active week we have had!  We had fun talking fire safety and we all practiced stop, drop, and roll and earned a certificate.  (Many of the children expressed interest in practicing fire drills at home.)  On Monday, Martin Herker and several volunteers brought the Traer ambulance up to the school so that the children could see it, and on Wednesday, the Traer Fire Department brought in their equipment.  They told the students about their jobs and informed them about the equipment they would use if someone were sick or hurt.  The apples brought from home were compared, and the different colors of apples were tasted.  The boys and girls made a big graph while voting for their favorite kind of apple (red, green, or yellow).  The graph is hanging in the hallway.
This week the kindergartners brought home a little booklet about fire safety.  For homework families can read these booklets and do the activity pages at the end of these booklets.  Kindergartners that bring the finished booklets back will get to pick out a sticker. Kindergartener’s will also be bringing home a worksheet to practice writing their phone numbers.
Next week we will be studying the letter Nn.  Sharing should be an item that starts with Nn.
We will be having our Halloween party on Friday, October 28th at 2:15.  We will be going to Sunrise Hill Care Center for a costume parade around 1:00 that same day.  We will also sing many cute Halloween songs to the residents.  Children should BRING their costume to school that day, NOT wear it to school.  The less help they need from adults the better.  (i.e. makeup)  We have already sent notes to those volunteers that will need to send treats, napkins, or help at the party.  We had so many wonderful volunteers that we ended up drawing names!
Parents who were informed at conferences about their child needing new glue sticks may send some at any time if they have not done so already. Also, please remember to send boxes of 16 or 24 crayons for your student if you have not already done so. PLEASE DO NOT SEND BIGGER BOXES!  That is too many crayons for our baggies.
We have already been evaluating the children for their report cards.  We will be checking the students on knowing their addresses, colors, shapes, left/right, days of the week, birthdays, and identifying the numbers 0 - 10.  The children will also be expected to correctly count objects up to 10. Report cards will be sent home on October 31st.
Please continue sending coats, jackets, and sweatshirts to school everyday.  The weather is getting colder, and the recesses have been chillier.  We’d rather have the children get a little warm than shiver through the recesses.  We would also like to remind you to send extra clothes with your child to school.  The children feel more comfortable in their own clothes if they would happen to need to change them.  We would greatly appreciate if borrowed clothes from the kindergarten room would be returned.
We are sending home a list of all of the SIGHT words we learn this year.  This list does NOT include all of the high frequency words that we also learn.  Notice the lesson number for each word.  You will see when we introduce each new SIGHT word.  Do not freak out and think that your child needs to know all of these words right now.
You will notice some flashcards attached to the newsletter.  Please cut these apart and practice them often!  More will go home most weeks until we have learned all 82 kindergarten sight and high frequency words!
Have a fantastic fall-type weekend!
Mrs. Daugherty, Mrs. Turner, and Ms. Davis

Wednesday, October 19: Early Out at 12:50
Wednesday, October 26: Pick up Fundraiser Items
Friday, October 28: Halloween Party
Sunday, November 6: Daylight Savings Time (Fall back 1 hour)
Wednesday, November 16: No School - Professional Development
Wednesday, November 23: Early Out at 2:20
Thursday, November 24: No School – Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, November 25: No School – Thanksgiving Holiday  

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 7, 2011

Dear Families,
This week we explored the letter Pp. We learned about the Presidents.  We graphed our favorite pet.  The children could choose one of the following pets: dog, cat, fish, rabbit, or hamster/gerbil/guinea pig.
We also started working in our journals with a “My favorite pet is…” worksheet. On Friday, we were excited to participate in a school wide “Start Somewhere Iowa” walk. As we walked, we were able to enjoy the nice weather and the fun fall colors.
Next week we will be learning about the letter Aa.  Next week’s sharing will be free choice since there aren’t many items that begin with the letter Aa.  During Aa week we talk about apples. Each kindergartner needs to bring in one apple for some different apple activities.  We need these apples by Wednesday, October 12th! Also, students who have not yet brought new crayons of 16-24 or replacement glue sticks may do so at any time next week. We are all excited to have so many new options when coloring.
Remember that picture day is Tuesday, October 11th.  Kindergartners are normally scheduled to get their pictures taken at 8:20 SO PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR CHILD IS AT SCHOOL ON TIME!  (Bus students will not have a problem with this.)  If you have special instructions concerning hair or smiles, write us a note, and we will do our best to help your student take a great picture.  Children are welcome to change out of special picture outfits when pictures are finished.
Around this time of year the weather gets cooler.  We try to go outside for recess everyday, and the boys and girls need to be dressed appropriately.  (Some of the children don’t want to wear their coats outside on a chilly day.  On chilly days we make them wear coats or sweatshirts.)  We have them wear whatever the family sends them in.  By the way, one rule our school has is if there is any measurable snow on the ground, the students need to wear boots outside.  We know that the thought of snow is depressing, but we wanted you to be aware and prepared.
The flu and cold season is coming soon (if it is not already here)!  According to our elementary handbook, children need to stay home if they have the following: an earache, severe headache, a fever of 99.6 or above, an acute cold, a communicable disease, mattering or an inflammation of the eyes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or untreated head lice.  In the handbook there are also guidelines that will help families determine if a child may return to school.  Please refer to this so that children do not come back to school too early.    
Remember that on Friday, October 28th, the boys and girls are currently scheduled to have the Halloween parties. Students are allowed to wear their costumes during the party, but will need regular clothes for the rest of the day. Please do not send your student in their costume that morning. At 1:00 Friday, October 28, we will be traveling to the nursing home to show off our costumes and sing some songs. We will be changing into our costumes at 12:30.
Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Turner, and Ms. Davis

Keep for future reference!
Tuesday, October 11: School Pictures
Wednesday, October 12: Apples Due
Wednesday, October 19: Early Dismissal @ 12: 50 for Professional Development
Friday, October 28: Halloween Party
October Sharing Schedule
October 10 - 14: Free choice (Aa week)
October 17 - 21: Something that begins with the letter Nn
October 24 - 28: Something that begins with Mm
October 31 - November 4: Free choice (Ii week)