Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 27, 2012

Dear Families,
This week the kindergartners learned about the letter Dd.  We read the book Dr. DeSoto.  In the book a mouse dentist helps a fox with a bad tooth and has to be extra careful and clever so that he is not eaten.  We read the big book called Any Kind of Dog.  The boy in the book really wants a dog, and his mom tries to convince him that other animals would make great pets.  The kindergartners reviewed pennies and dimes.  They practiced following oral directions on a worksheet.  This worksheet will be shared with families during conferences at the end of February.  We celebrated our 100th day of school on Wednesday.  We hope the delicious smelling Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 rings of cereal made it home before the cereal was eaten off of the string!  On Wednesday we read 100th day of school books and did other 100th day of school activities.  The boys and girls decorated valentine sacks.  Families may send valentines in anytime to be distributed in the bags.  Since we did not have school last Friday, we also finished our months of the year booklets.

Next week we will be learning about the letter Vv.  Kindergartners may bring an item that starts with the letter Vv or an item related to Valentine’s Day.  On Wednesday, February 1st the kindergartners are traveling by bus downtown to the North Tama Veterinarian Clinic.  Mrs. Daugherty’s class will be going at 12:50, and Mrs. Turner’s class will be going at 1:20.

Please send hats or earbands and mittens or gloves to school everyday.  When it is cold outside we make them wear them.  If they do not have hats/earbands (or hoods) and mittens/gloves the boys and girls have to borrow from us, and they do not like our selection. Please send snowpants to school, too.  Kindergartners have a really hard time staying out of the snow, and we do not want them coming back in the building with wet pants. The rule is no snowpants – no snow.  Please put extra socks in your student’s backpack.  Socks tend to get wet at recess or after recess when they walk to put their boots away.

There is no school for the students on Friday, February 10th so that teachers can attend professional meetings.  There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 20th so that families can celebrate Presidents’ Day.  Conferences are scheduled for Monday, February 27th from 4:00 – 8:00 and Thursday, March 1st from 4:30 – 8:00.  Students will be dismissed one hour early on Monday, February 27th.  There will be no school on Friday, March 2nd.  Please mark your calendars!

In kindergarten we would like to start something called Daily 5.  Daily 5 activities concentrate on reading (and possibly math or science).  The students will rotate through 5 different Daily 5 centers.  The teachers want to raise money for some supplies for Daily 5.  We want to buy each child a chair pocket.  We are planning on having a bake sale on Wednesday, February 8th.  We would like to have each child bring AT LEAST 6 individually wrapped bake sale items for this fundraiser.  (Of course families may send more!)  Each item will be sold for 25¢.  The kindergartners will get to purchase items first.  More information will come home about the bake sale.

On Thursday, February 23rd the kindergartners will be attending a play at the Blackhawk Children’s Theater in Waterloo.  The performance is at 9:45, and it usually lasts about an hour.  The kindergartners will not be back to school in time to eat the hot lunch in the lunchroom.  Families will need to decide if they want their student to bring his/her own lunch or purchase a sack lunch from the cooks.  We will be eating lunch in our classroom that day.  Forms were sent home last week.  Please return those forms!  Remember that we do NOT have refrigerator space for 33 lunches, and pop is not allowed as a drink.
On Monday, February 6th North Tama is hosting an AR Family Reading night from 6:00 – 7:30.  Families may go to their students’ classrooms and participate in different reading activities.  In the kindergarten room students have the opportunity to make foam books.  Each page of the foam book is a different theme.  Each book costs $3.  We sent home an order form for families to fill out last Friday so that we know how many will be making books.  (Other family members are welcome to purchase and make a book!) You are welcome to pay now or that night!
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!  Attached to LAST WEEK’S newsletter was an up to date class list.  Kindergartners may make valentines for every boy and girl in the whole class, or they may make valentines for just the “red team” or just the “blue team”.  We recommend that families start writing names early!  Families may help write the students’ names on the cards/envelopes.  Your student should be able to write his/her own name on each valentine.  Some students may want to make a valentine for our high school helpers.  Their names are Stacey Grimm and Kayla Hora.  Last week we forgot to include Ellie Schafer in our list of kindergarten helpers!

Last Friday’s snow day will be made up on Tuesday, May 29th.

We realize that we gave you a LOT of information.  Please, please, please mark your calendars.  Also PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE write your child’s name on every boot, mitten/glove, hat, scarf, pair of snowpants, and coat. 

Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Daugherty

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 20, 2012

Dear Families,
During Yy week we worked with yellow playdough.  The kindergartners practiced saying the months of the year and made months of the year booklets.  Since Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we read books and talked about what a great man he was.  The students dictated 2 facts that they remembered about Martin Luther King, Jr. to the teachers.  (Mrs. Turner started talking about Martin Luther King, Jr. last week, too.)
Next week we will be learning about the letter Dd.  Kindergartners may bring an item that starts with the letter Dd OR a collection of 100 “things” in honor of our 100th day of school.  Please make sure that the 100 “things” are similar like 100 legos, 100 pennies, 100 cotton balls, 100 buttons, 100 sticks of gum and easy for your child to bring to school.

Please send hats or earbands and mittens or gloves to school everyday.  When it is cold outside we make them wear them.  If they do not have hats/earbands (or hoods) and mittens/gloves the boys and girls have to borrow from us, and they do not like our selection. Please send snowpants to school, too.  Kindergartners have a really hard time staying out of the snow, and we do not want them coming back in the building with wet pants. The rule is no snowpants – no snow.  Please put extra socks in your student’s backpack.  Socks tend to get wet at recess or after recess when they walk to put their boots away.

On January 24th we have the 100th day of school, which is exciting! That day we will have to celebrate! (Hopefully snowdays do NOT mess this up!)

There is no school for the students on Friday, February 10th so that teachers can attend professional meetings.  Conferences are scheduled for Monday, February 27th from 4:00 – 8:00 and Thursday, March 1st from 4:30 – 8:00.  Students will be dismissed one hour early on Monday, February 27th.  There will be no school on Friday, March 2nd.  Please mark your calendars!

In kindergarten we would like to start something called Daily 5.  Daily 5 activities concentrate on reading (and possibly math or science).  The students will rotate through 5 different Daily 5 centers.  The teachers want to raise money for some supplies for Daily 5.  We want to buy each child a chair pocket.  We are planning on having a bake sale on Wednesday, February 8th.  We would like to have each child bring AT LEAST 6 individually wrapped bake sale items for this fundraiser.  (Of course families may send more!)  Each item will be sold for 25¢.  The kindergartners will get to purchase items first.  More information will come home about the bakesale.

On Thursday, February 23rd the kindergartners will be attending a play at the Blackhawk Children’s Theater in Waterloo.  The performance is at 9:45, and it usually lasts about an hour.  The kindergartners will not be back to school in time to eat the hot lunch in the lunchroom.  Families will need to decide if they want their student to bring his/her own lunch or purchase a sack lunch from the cooks.  Forms will be sent home soon.
On Monday, February 6th North Tama is hosting an AR Family Reading night from 6:00 – 7:30.  Families may go to their students’ classrooms and participate in different reading activities.  In the kindergarten room students have the opportunity to make foam books.  Each page of the foam book is a different theme.  Each book costs $3.  We will be sending home an order form for families to fill out so that we know how many will be making books.  (Other family members are welcome to purchase and make a book!)
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!  Attached to the newsletter is an up to date class list.  Kindergartners may make valentines for every boy and girl in the whole class, or they may make valentines for just the “red team” or just the “blue team”.  We recommend that families start writing names early!  Families may help write the students’ names on the cards/envelopes.  Your student should be able to write his/her own name on each valentine.  Some students may want to make a valentine for our high school helpers.  Their names are Stacey Grimm and Kayla Hora.
We realize that we just gave you a LOT of information.  Please, please, please mark your calendars.  Also PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE write your child’s name on every boot, mitten/glove, hat, scarf, pair of snowpants, and coat. 

Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Daugherty

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 13, 2012

                                                        KINDERGARTEN NEWS

                                                                                                January 13, 2012
Dear Families,
    This week we had a Character Counts Assembly where we got to see how other classes have good character. We learned all about the letter Ee and did lots of fun activities. The kindergartners worked more on learning their phone numbers and even decorated the bulletin board in the classroom.  The kindergartners graphed their favorite winter activity from 5 different choices.  Their choices were Skiing, Making a Snowman, Snowball fight, Skating, and Snowmobiling.   (Snowmobiling won by a landslide!)  The students did a few science experiments with eggs. We watched how an egg sinks and floats once you add salt into water. We also observed the inside of an egg. We learned about animals that hatch from an egg too. We also learned about Elephants and how they weigh 15, 400 pounds and eat for 16 hours a day!
    Next week we will be learning about the letter Yy.  Since there are not many things that start with Yy, sharing will be free choice.
    The second quarter ends on Monday, January 9th.  Report cards were sent home on Friday, January 13th.  Please sign the envelope and send it back to school! Conferences are not scheduled until the end of February.  If you have any questions or concerns about the information on the report card, please call us at school or email us.  We would be glad to meet with any parents that want to discuss their kindergartner’s progress in school.
Please send hats or earbands and mittens or gloves to school everyday.  When it is cold outside we make them wear them.  If they do not have hats/earbands (or hoods) and mittens/gloves the boys and girls have to borrow from us, and they do not like our selection. 
On January 24th we have the 100th day of school, which is exciting! That day we will have to celebrate!
The students are dismissed early on Wednesday, January 18th.  Town students are dismissed at 12:50, and bus students are dismissed at 12:55.  There is no school for the students on Friday, February 10th so that teachers can attend professional meetings.  Conferences are scheduled for Monday, February 27th from 4:00 – 8:00 and Thursday, March 1st from 4:30 – 8:00.  Students will be dismissed one hour early on Monday, February 27th.  There will be no school on Friday, March 2nd.  Please mark your calendars!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend and see you Monday!

                            Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Daugherty

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 6, 2011

Dear Families,
This week we learned how crayons are made.  The students practiced reading color words on a crayon worksheet.  The kindergartners graphed their favorite candy from 5 different choices.  Their choices were Airhead Extremes, Skittles, M &M’s, Jolly Ranchers, and suckers.   (Airhead Extremes won by a landslide!)  The students filled in the missing dates on a January calendar.  The big book The Enormous Carrot was read and discussed.  The kindergartners reviewed clocks and telling time to the hour and watched a Backyard Safari video about caterpillars and butterflies.
Next week we will be learning about the letter Ee.  Since there are not many things that start with Ee, sharing will be free choice.
The second quarter ends on Monday, January 9th.  Report cards will go home on Friday, January 16th.  Conferences are not scheduled until the end of February.  If you have any questions or concerns about the information on the report card, please call us at school or email us.  We would be glad to meet with any parents that want to discuss their kindergartner’s progress in school.

On Monday, January 9th, we will be attending a CHARACTER COUNTS! assembly in the big gym at 9:30.  Families are welcome to attend and discover how our students demonstrate the six pillars of character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, citizenship, fairness, and caring).
Mrs. Daugherty will be gone all next week.  If you have questions or concerns, please let Mrs. Turner know.

This week the kindergartners figured out that Mrs. Turner is expecting a baby.  The baby is due in early June.  Mrs. Turner expects to finish the school year unless we have a ton of snow days or Baby Turner decides to arrive early.

Please send hats or earbands and mittens or gloves to school everyday.  When it is cold outside we make them wear them.  If they do not have hats/earbands (or hoods) and mittens/gloves the boys and girls have to borrow from us, and they do not like our selection. 
The students are dismissed early on Wednesday, January 18th.  Town students are dismissed at 12:50, and bus students are dismissed at 12:55.  There is no school for the students on Friday, February 10th so that teachers can attend professional meetings.  Conferences are scheduled for Monday, February 27th from 4:00 – 8:00 and Thursday, March 1st from 4:30 – 8:00.  Students will be dismissed one hour early on Monday, February 27th.  There will be no school on Friday, March 2nd.  Please mark your calendars!

We cannot believe how quickly this school year is going.  Can you?
Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Daugherty